Kindle’s Secret Language, Uncovered at Last

If you visit the Kindle offices (and we hope you will!), you might overhear a few words or phrases that don’t make a whole lot of sense at first listen. And, that’s perfectly okay. As you’ve probably gathered from our blog posts and website, we’re a close-knit group, and many of us have worked together for quite some time now. Over the years, we’ve developed a shorthand; our own sort of lingo, you might say.
Today – right here and now – we’re going to share some of our more humorous sayings with you. See below for a glimpse into our inner workings and words.
A quick and easy way to keep someone in the circle of communications, especially if you’re running fast. Usually yelled out in passing or placed at the head of a forwarded email chain.
What’s for Chicken?
Lunch is a crucial time of day for Kindle, second only to discussions on what’s being ordered for lunch. This is our go-to way of finding out what’s on the menu.
Client Clothes
Because we’re a pretty casual operation, when someone shows up to the office in black pants and a button-down shirt, we immediately know he’s had a meeting elsewhere. This is how many of us describe said attire.
Kindle Commandments
The explanation of these could take up its own blog post (and perhaps will someday). Let’s just say that we have a few rules we abide by, all of which were inspired by true events. Want a sample? It’s always wise to keep your shoes on during a pitch.
Puddem Up
Inspired by the Cowardly Lion from “The Wizard of Oz” this has become a term of affection between coworkers, especially when one party is in the heat of production. “Puddem Up. You can do this thing!”
A purposefully repurposed form of the word, “nice,” this one comes straight from the lips of a partner, Michelle Falknor, who’s always one for putting a unique spin on our everyday vocab. It’s an especially useful response to happy or surprising news. And it’s usually best hollered out, or loudly shrieked. A simple utter cannot do “Noiche!” justice.
Have some lingo of your own? Please share! If it becomes part of the Kindle slang, we promise to give you credit.