Lending a Hand

Back in college, I had the pleasure of getting my first work experience with Kindle. I came in for a day to help with our internal holiday charity event. Kindle had purchased gifts to provide needy families with a Merry Christmas…little did I know that the day of gift-wrapping was a taste of the world I would soon be joining!
Fulfillment isn’t something Kindle does in-house very often. We have trusted vendors that we typically send fulfillment projects to, but sometimes, we just need to get it done quickly and know every detail will be perfect. Whether it is packaging up incentive reminders to mail out to sales reps, sending out pre-show motivators, personalizing gifts with a branded card, or sending appreciation gifts to the families of a sales force, Kindle steps up to make the fulfillment happen quickly and effectively.
Recently, I was coordinating a project that involved repackaging Harry & David cookie boxes to be sent out to the family members of sales reps who were away at a launch. We had to assemble 170 boxes, line them with bubble wrap, stamp and label each box, add a thank you card, place the cookie box into the shipping box nicely, secure with more bubble wrap, close and seal. It was a quick turnaround, but we had a plan and a good group of Kindlers ready to get the job done.
Two hours later, we had the packages perfectly ready for Mr. FedEx, and we even helped him scan and load them in his truck in the pouring rain!
It is days like these when you see the true spirit of the Kindlers, from production assistants to partners: we do Whatever It Takes, and everyone jumps in to lend a hand!