Statement From Kindle: A Commitment to Meaningful Change

At Kindle, we stand in solidarity with and for the Black community everywhere, and we stand against the racial injustices that have for too long been accepted. We stand for fairness, for equality and for social justice. We have taken the past couple of weeks to pause, listen, and honestly reflect. We’ve asked ourselves how we as a business and as individuals can do better, and we know we can do better. It is our duty to not only demand change, but to be active participants in contributing to change that is severely overdue. We are committing to listening, to learning, to acting. Not just in the present moment, but in every moment moving forward.
To hold ourselves accountable, we will share on a regular basis what actions we as a business are taking to actively participate and make improvements moving forward. To begin with, we are renewing our partnership with Braven to help address the lack of diversity in our industry by sharing career path information and guidance with Braven’s Fellows, who are college students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Stay tuned for continued communications from us on this important topic.